
Młyn planetarno-kulowy PM 400

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Młyn planetarno kulowy PM 400

na kółkach (prosimy osobno zamówić naczynia i kule mielące)
PM 400z 4 stanowiskami do mielenia, stosunek prędkości 1 : -2 
PM 400 MAz 4 stanowiskami do mielenia, stosunek prędkości 1 : -2.5,  
do mechanicznego stopowania metali 
PM 400 MAz 4 stanowiskami do mielenia, stosunek prędkości 1 : -3,  
do mechanicznego stopowania metali 
inne wersje elektryczne dostępne w tej samej cenie

Accessories Planetary Ball Mills

22.661.0002Clamping unit for PM 100 / PM 400
03.025.0178Adapter do piętrowania naczyń mielących 50 ml - 80 ml
02.728.0048Counter aid for sun wheel PM 100, PM 200 and PM 400
03.486.0062Opening aid for clamping unit of planetary ball mills
99.200.0009IQ/OQ Documentation for PM 400

System do pomiaru ciśnienia i temperatury GrindControl

incl. sensors and transmitter unit, inseert of lid, software, case, opening aid and cleaning accessories for PM (please order grinding jars separately)
22.782.0021GrindControl for PM grinding jar EasyFit 250 or 500 ml, stainless, hardened steel
22.782.0031GrindControl for PM grinding jar EasyFit 250 or 500 ml, zirconium oxide
22.782.0020GrindControl for PM grinding jar EasyFit 50, 80 or 125 ml, stainless, hardened steel
22.782.0026GrindControl with PM grinding jar EasyFit 50, 80 or 125 ml, zirconium oxide


05.114.0054O-ring for 250 ml - 500 ml grinding jars EasyFit (PM)
22.186.0006Sintered filter with O-ring, set à three pieces
03.474.0228GrindControl insert of lid for PM grinding jar EasyFit 250 and 500 ml,
stainless, hardened steel
03.474.0239Wkładka GrindControl do pokrywy w naczyniu mielącym EasyFit w PM, 250 i 500 ml,
tlenek cyrkonu
03.474.0240GrindControl insert of lid for 50, 80 or 125 ml, stainless, hardened steel
03.474.0241GrindControl insert of lid for 50, 80 or 125 ml, zirconium oxide
22.864.0001Spare set valves M8X1 for GrindControl and aeration lids

Naczynia mielące EasyFit

(grinding jars EasyFit are suitable for all planetary ball mills)

Utwardzana stal nierdzewna

01.462.023912 ml
01.462.024025 ml
01.462.051650 ml
01.462.051780 ml
01.462.0518125 ml
01.462.0519250 ml
01.462.0520500 ml

Węglik wolframu

01.462.049450 ml
01.462.049580 ml
01.462.0527125 ml
01.462.0497250 ml
01.462.0498500 ml


01.462.050950 ml
01.462.051180 ml
01.462.0515125 ml
01.462.0502250 ml
01.462.0506500 ml


01.462.050750 ml
01.462.0512125 ml
01.462.0499250 ml
01.462.0503500 ml

Tlenek cyrkonu

01.462.050850 ml
01.462.051080 ml
01.462.0513125 ml
01.462.0500250 ml
01.462.0504500 ml

Adapter for glass vials

01.462.0540Adapter for 24 x 1.5 ml glass vials, stainless, hardened steel
22.749.0009Glass vial 1.5 ml incl. septum cap, 100 pieces
05.181.0112Replacement pressure spring for adapter for 24 x 1.5 ml glass vials, 1 piece
01.462.0541Adapter for 7 x 20 ml glass vials, stainless, hardened steel
22.749.0010Glass vial 20 ml incl. septum cap, 100 pieces
05.181.0044Replacement pressure spring for adapter for 7 x 20 ml glass vials, 1 piece

Akcesoria do naczyń mielących EasyFit do mielenia na mokro, w atmosferze obojętnej oraz stopowania mechanicznego (MA)

Pokrywy z zaworami (zawierają wkładkę)

22.107.0613for grinding jars EasyFit 50 ml - 125 ml, hardened stainless steel
22.107.0616for grinding jars EasyFit 50 ml - 125 ml, tungsten carbide
22.107.0617for grinding jars EasyFit 50 ml - 125 ml, agate
22.107.0615for grinding jars EasyFit 50 ml - 125 ml, zirconium oxide
22.107.0618for grinding jars EasyFit 250 ml - 500 ml, hardened stainless steel
22.107.0621for grinding jars EasyFit 250 ml - 500 ml, tungsten carbide
22.107.0622for grinding jars EasyFit 250 ml - 500 ml, agate
22.107.0620for grinding jars EasyFit 250 ml - 500 ml, zirconium oxide
22.107.0619for grinding jars EasyFit 250 ml - 500 ml, aluminum oxide
22.864.0001Zapasowy zestaw zaworów M8x1 do pokrywy z zaworami

Inlay for aeration lid

03.474.0225for grinding jars EasyFit 50 ml - 125 ml, hardened stainless steel
03.474.0207for grinding jars EasyFit 50 ml - 125 ml, tungsten carbide
03.474.0208for grinding jars EasyFit 50 ml - 125 ml, agate
03.474.0206for grinding jars EasyFit 50 ml - 125 ml, zirconium oxide
03.474.0226for grinding jars EasyFit 250 ml - 500 ml, hardened stainless steel
03.474.0210for grinding jars EasyFit 250 ml - 500 ml, tungsten carbide
03.474.0211for grinding jars EasyFit 250 ml - 500 ml, agate
03.474.0209for grinding jars EasyFit 250 ml - 500 ml, zirconium oxide
03.474.0215for grinding jars EasyFit 250 ml - 500 ml, aluminum oxide

Systemy bezpiecznego zamykania

22.867.0011do naczyń mielących EasyFit 50 ml - 125 ml
22.867.0012do naczyń mielących EasyFit 250 ml - 500 ml
02.486.0055Pomoc do otwierania systemu bezpiecznego zamykania naczyń

Uszczelki do naczyń mielących EasyFit


05.114.0086O-ring for 12 ml grinding jar EasyFit
05.114.0085O-ring for 25 ml grinding jar EasyFit
05.114.0054O-ringi do naczyń mielących EasyFit 250 ml - 500 ml
05.114.0056O-ringi do naczyń mielących EasyFit 50 ml - 125 ml
05.114.0063O-ringi do naczyń mielących EasyFit 250 ml - 500 ml, agat

Kule mielące

Pomoc w wyborze
Pomoc w wyborze
Grinding balls are available in different diameters. The rule of thumb is: for efficient milling the ball should be at least 3 times larger than the largest particle in the sample. To avoid abrasion and wear it is essential to only use balls with identical diameter.

The number of grinding balls depends on the jar volume used. The document “Grinding Jar Ball Charge” in the Downloads section provides details about usable volumes, maximum feed sizes and correct filling of the jars with grinding balls for dry and wet milling as well as cell disruption.

Grinding jars and grinding balls should always be made of the same material.

Available materials:
  • Hardened steel (density 7.8 g/cm3; hardness ≤ 235 HB, medium abrasion resistance)
    typically used for pulverizing medium-hard to hard and brittle samples.

  • Stainless steel (density 7.7 g/cm3; hardness ≤ 245 HB, medium abrasion resistance)
    typically used for pulverizing medium-hard to hard and brittle samples.

  • Tungsten carbide (density 14.8 g/cm3; hardness 93.6 HRA; high abrasion resistance)
    used for grinding very hard, brittle sample materials. By using tungsten carbide, contamination of the sample with iron is prevented.

  • Agate (density 2.6 g/cm3; hardness 6.5 – 7 Mohs, low abrasion resistance)
    a highly pure natural material suitable for pulverizing soft to medium-hard or fibrous samples. Due to its low-density agate is suitable for gentle grinding processes with low energy input.

  • Sintered aluminum oxide (density 3.8 g/cm3; hardness 1600 HV 0.5, medium abrasion resistance) is a ceramic material suitable for grinding soft to medium-hard or fibrous samples. It is mainly used for heavy-metal-free grinding processes.

  • Silicon nitride (density 3.6 g/cm3; hardness 1600 HV, high abrasion resistance) is a ceramic material suitable for grinding medium-hard to hard samples. Due to its low density silicon nitride is used for gentle grinding processes with low energy input. Thanks to the high abrasion resistance of the material it is also highly suitable for ultrafine grinding.

  • Zirconium oxide (density 6.05 g/cm3; hardness 1250 HV, high abrasion resistance)
    ceramic material suitable for pulverizing medium-hard to hard and fibrous samples. It is typically used for heavy-metal-free grinding processes or applications which aim at ultrafine particle sizes.

Please note:

The grinding tool material should be harder than the sample. For further information check the “Material Analyses of Equipment & Accessories” document in the Downloads section.

Utwardzana stal

05.368.00295 mm Ø
05.368.00307 mm Ø
05.368.005910 mm Ø
05.368.003212 mm Ø
05.368.010815 mm Ø
05.368.003320 mm Ø
05.368.005730 mm Ø

Stal nierdzewna

22.455.00102 mm Ø, 500 g (approx. 110 ml)
22.455.00113 mm Ø, 500 g (approx. 120 ml)
22.455.00023 mm Ø, 200 pieces (approx. 6 ml)
22.455.00014 mm Ø, 200 pieces (approx. 14 ml)
22.455.00035 mm Ø, 200 pieces (approx. 25 ml)
05.368.00345 mm Ø
05.368.00357 mm Ø
05.368.006310 mm Ø
05.368.003712 mm Ø
05.368.010915 mm Ø
05.368.006220 mm Ø
05.368.010525 mm Ø
05.368.006130 mm Ø

Węglik wolframu

22.455.00063 mm Ø, 200 pieces (approx. 6 ml)
22.455.00054 mm Ø, 200 pieces (approx. 14 ml)
22.455.00045 mm Ø, 200 pieces (approx. 25 ml)
05.368.00385 mm Ø
05.368.00397 mm Ø
05.368.007110 mm Ø
05.368.004112 mm Ø
05.368.011015 mm Ø
05.368.007020 mm Ø
05.368.006930 mm Ø


05.368.00245 mm Ø
05.368.00257 mm Ø
05.368.006710 mm Ø
05.368.002712 mm Ø
05.368.011115 mm Ø
05.368.002820 mm Ø
05.368.006530 mm Ø


05.368.00195 mm Ø
05.368.002110 mm Ø
05.368.011215 mm Ø
05.368.005420 mm Ø
05.368.005330 mm Ø

Tlenek cyrkonu

32.368.00050,1 mm Ø, 0,5 kg (ok. 135 ml)
32.368.00030.5 mm Ø, 0,5 kg (ok. 135 ml)
32.368.00041 mm Ø, 0,5 kg (ok. 135 ml)
05.368.00892 mm Ø, 0,5 kg (ok. 135 ml)
05.368.00903 mm Ø, 0,5 kg (ok. 140 ml)
22.455.00073 mm Ø, 200 pieces (approx. 6 ml)
22.455.00095 mm Ø, 200 pieces (approx. 25 ml)
05.368.01467 mm Ø
05.368.009410 mm Ø
05.368.009612 mm Ø
05.368.011315 mm Ø
05.368.009320 mm Ø
05.368.010625 mm Ø
05.368.009230 mm Ø

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