
Wibracyjny Młyn Dyskowy RS 200

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Wibracyjny młyn dyskowy RS 200

Wibracyjny młyn dyskowy RS 200 z uchwytem do naczynia mielącego, na kółkach (naczynie mielące i wkład do uchwytu (jeśli potrzebny) należy zamówić osobno)
RS 200220–230 V, 50/60 Hz 
inne wersje elektryczne dostępne w tej samej cenie

Naczynia i dyski mielące do RS 200

Pomoc w wyborze
Pomoc w wyborze
The grinding sets are designed for use under extreme conditions like high sample throughput and high mechanical strain.

A grinding set for the Vibratory Disc Mill RS 200 consists of a grinding jar with disc and lid; the 100 ml and 250 ml jars have an additional grinding ring.

The safe, non-slip attachment of the grinding sets is ensured by an integrated anti-rotation lock on lid and base. These are perfectly sealed with an o-ring.

The document “How to obtain the best results with the Vibratory Disc Mill RS 200” in the Downloads section provides information about optimum grinding jar fillings.

To ensure efficient and contamination-free grinding processes, the grinding sets are available in 5 different materials (no undesired abrasion).

The energy input increases with the density of a material. For pulverizing soft samples, materials with a low to medium density should be used, whereas for hard samples it is better to use high-density materials.

Available materials:
  • Hardened steel (density 7.6 g/cm3; hardness ≤ 250 HB, medium abrasion resistance)
    typically used for pulverizing medium-hard to hard and brittle samples.

  • Tungsten carbide (density 14.8 g/cm3; hardness 93.6 HRA; high abrasion resistance)
    used for grinding very hard, brittle sample materials. By using tungsten carbide, contamination of the sample with iron is prevented.

  • Agate (density 2.6 g/cm3; hardness 6.5 – 7 Mohs, low abrasion resistance)
    a highly pure natural material suitable for pulverizing soft to medium-hard or fibrous samples. Due to its low-density agate is suitable for gentle grinding processes with low energy input.

  • Zirconium oxide (density 6.05 g/cm3; hardness 1250 HV, high abrasion resistance)
    ceramic material suitable for pulverizing medium-hard to hard and fibrous samples. It is typically used for heavy-metal-free grinding process.

  • Steel 1.1740 for grinding without heavy-metal contamination (density 7.8 g/cm3; hardness ≤ 255 HB, medium abrasion resistance)
    mainly used for heavy-metal-free grinding of medium-hard to hard and brittle sample materials.
Please note:

The grinding tool material should be harder than the sample. For further information check the “Material Analyses of Equipment & Accessories” document in the Downloads section.

Utwardzana stal

01.462.017050 ml
01.462.0171100 ml
01.462.0263250 ml

Węglik wolframu

01.462.035350 ml (do prędości maks. 1200 obr/min)
01.462.0354100 ml (do prędkości maks. 1200 obr/min)
01.462.0355250 ml (do prędkości maks. 1200 obr/min)


01.462.017850 ml (tylko do 700 obr/min)
01.462.0179100 ml (tylko do 700 obr/min)

Tlenek cyrkonu

01.462.019350 ml
01.462.0192100 ml

Stal 1.1740 do mielenia bez kontaminacji metalami ciężkimi

01.462.000250 ml
01.462.0266250 ml

Akcesoria do RS 200

Uchwyty i akcesoria do naczyń do RS 200

Pomoc w wyborze
Pomoc w wyborze
Improved ergonomics: The optional carry handles ensure safe and convenient transport of the jar. For some grinding sets carry handle inserts need to be used together with the carry handles:

Hardened steel, 50 ml -> carry handle insert 02.225.0087
Hardened steel, 100 ml -> no carry handle insert required
Hardened steel, 250 ml -> no carry handle insert required

Tungsten Carbide, 50 ml -> carry handle insert 02.225.0087
Tungsten Carbide, 100 ml -> carry handle insert 02.225.0090
Tungsten Carbide, 250 ml -> no carry handle insert required

Agate, 50 ml -> carry handle insert 02.225.0088
Agate, 100 ml -> no carry handle insert required

Zirconium oxide, 50 ml -> carry handle insert 02.225.0089
Zirconium oxide, 100 ml -> no carry handle insert required

Steel 1.1740, 50 ml -> carry handle insert 02.225.0087
Steel 1.1740, 100 ml -> no carry handle insert required
03.225.0086Uchwyt do wszystkich naczyń mielących 250 ml,
do naczynia 100 ml ze stali utwardzanej, agatu, tlenku cyrkonu, stali 1.1740
i do wykorzystania z wkładami do uchwytu
02.225.0087Wkład do uchwytu do naczyń 50 ml ze stali utwardzanej, węglika wolframu, stali 1.1740
02.225.0088Wkład do uchwytu do naczyń 50 ml z agatu
02.225.0089Wkład do uchwytu do naczyń 50 ml z tlenku cyrkonu
02.225.0090Wkład do uchwytu do naczyń 100 ml z węglika wolframu

Wyposażenie dodatkowe RS 200

05.114.0075O-ring do zestawu do mielenia 50 ml stal
05.114.0069O-ring do zestawu do mielenia 50 ml agat i tlenek cyrkonu
05.114.0068O-ring do zestawu do mielenia 50 ml węglik wolframu
05.114.0067O-ring do zestawu do mielenia 100 ml stal i tlenek cyrkonu, 250 ml węglik wolframu
05.114.0070O-ring do zestawu do mielenia 100 ml agat i węglik wolframu
05.114.0076O-ring do zestawu do mielenia 250 ml stal
99.200.0035Dokumentacja IQ/OQ do RS 200

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