
Webinarium: Temperature development and control in laboratory ball mills

Ball mills are widely used for pulverization processes in various industries (chemistry, construction, biology, ceramics…) and also for scientific applications such as mechanosynthesis or production of nano-sized particles. The choice of the most suitable ball mill (type and model) and appropriate accessories for each application is essential for a successful milling process.

Temperature development also plays an important role, particularly in cases of pulverizing temperature-sensitive materials, nanogrinding or mechanochemical applications. This talk provides tips and tricks how to choose the best suited mill and equipment, and will also give some insight into temperature development and influences in ball milling. At the end, a new mixer mill will be introduced which enables temperature-controlled grinding processes in a unique way.


Dr. Tanja Butt, Product Manager, Retsch GmbH
Tanja Butt posiada tytuł doktora biotechnologii z Centrum Badawczego w Juelich, Niemcy. Zanim dołączyła do firmy Retsch, przez kilka lat pracowała w działach badawczo-rozwojowych i zarządzania projektami.